Research Focus: Uncovering Financial Insights through Data-Driven Analysis
Bastien's research is dedicated to exploring the multifaceted world of finance through a data-driven lens. His investigations encompass the financial stability implications of crypto-assets within the broader financial system and innovative investment strategies utilizing crypto-assets. Further, his reasearch around empirical asset pricing investigates model-free short-term predictors derived from high frequency data. Lastly, his interest of Sustainable Finance materalizes in two distinct lines of thinking: alternative taxation of financial markets to foster sustainable investments and local currencies to implement sustainable growth.
- Financial Stability and Crypto-assets: Bastien's research critically examines the intricate dynamics of financial stability concerning crypto-assets within the broader financial system. Employing data-driven methodologies, he seeks to unveil the complex connections and potential risks associated with these digital assets, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of contemporary financial stability.
- Alternative Investment Strategies with Crypto-assets: Bastien dedicates his efforts to pioneering data-driven alternative investment strategies harnessing the potential of crypto-assets. His research extends beyond conventional approaches, providing quantitative insights that redefine asset allocation, risk management, and portfolio optimization in today's evolving investment landscape.
- Empirical Asset Pricing and High-Frequency Data Analysis: Bastien's expertise extends to empirical asset pricing, with a specialized focus on high-frequency data analysis. His research involves the meticulous decomposition of return distributions, unraveling intricate patterns and anomalies that shape asset valuations.
- Sustainable Finance: Bastien's interest in sustainable finance manifests in two distinct lines of thinking. Firstly, he explores the concept of alternative taxation for financial markets to encourage sustainable investments. Secondly, he contemplates the potential of local currencies as a means to implement sustainable growth. While these ideas are currently in their conceptual stage, they represent Bastien's vision for the future of Sustainable Finance.
By converging his passion for finance and data science, Bastien aspires to position himself as a dedicated data scientist in the field. His research not only contributes to our understanding of financial markets but also equips stakeholders with data-driven strategies to thrive in an increasingly intricate and digitalized financial landscape.
Working Papers
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We decompose the realized variance into four components: downside tail, downside core, upside core and upside tail. This approach yields better prediction than established predictors such as VIX and the price-dividend ratio.
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The return of Bitcoin is not predictable, however, the components of it are. Combining return forecasts with a dataset covering more than 10 million bitcoin option trades, we develop profitable trading strategies with long and short positions in bitcoin options.
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This paper investigates portfolio strategies involving only crypto-assets. We analyse optimal investment strategies for various types of investors. A concluding cluster analysis reveals which strategy performs best across various risk metrics.
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This study delves into the momentum effects and investor risk aversion in the dynamic crypto-asset market. Utilizing the largest dataset yet in this context, we aim to illuminate the phenomena of momentum and reversal, addressing potential biases in cryptocurrency data. Our analysis allows us to explore the relationship between initial and subsequent returns and the impact of investor risk aversion. Significant momentum effects are observed for small coins in five out of six strategies, while mid-sized coins displayed consistent reversal effects. Large coins yielded mixed outcomes, implying varied risk aversion levels across coin sizes. The study underscores that constant relative risk aversion assumptions may not always correspond to actual investor behaviors, possibly influencing results.
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Crypto-assets constitute a large and heterogenous asset class. Only a minority of crypto-assets qualify as crypto-currencies, while the large majority provide services that go beyond Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer payment system pioneered by Nakamoto (2008). This paper introduces a comprehensive taxonomy spanning crypto-currencies, service crypto-assets, smart-contract platforms, distributed applications and tokenized assets (including both fungible and non-fungible tokens). To illustrate stylized facts and capture various risks of the cross-section of crypto-assets this paper relies on a novel dataset covering more than 14,000 crypto-assets.
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How does uncertainty of crypto-assets affect traditional asset classes? Using a vector autoregression (VAR) methodology, we answer this question by analyzing volatility spillovers between five asset classes (crypto-assets, stocks, bonds, fiat-currencies, and commodities). Given the vast heterogeneity within each asset class, our VAR specification accounts for cross-sectional variation across and within each asset class. By transforming the VAR residuals into sectoral shocks, we are able to distinguish between volatility spillovers across, and volatility co-movements within asset classes. We find that on average volatility of crypto-assets accounts for 15% of the volatility contagion received by traditional asset classes. The directional spillovers from crypto-assets to bonds and to fiat-currencies are particularly strong, capturing the wealth channel and the remittance channel, respectively.
Conferences, Seminars and Panels
2023 | Cryptocurrency Research Conference, Monaco, Monaco |
Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship Conference, Montreal, Canada | |
Forecasting Financial Markets, University of Rennes, Rennes, France | |
Cross Country Perspectives in Finance Conference, Paphos, Cyprus* | |
French Inter Business School Finance Conference, Toulouse, France* | |
Finance Seminar, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland* | |
Finance Seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg* | |
Finance Seminar, Rennes School of Business, Rennes, France* | |
2022 | Finance Seminar, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada |
Asset Pricing Breakfast, ESSEC Business School, Paris, France* | |
Finance Seminar, SKEMA Business School, Paris, France* | |
Panelist at Décryptons les cryptos, FrenchTec, Montreal, Canada | |
Cardiff FinTech Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK | |
Future of Finance, Suzhou University, Suzhou, China | |
FinTech Workshop, Inseec Research Center, Lyon, France | |
2021 | Panelist at Cryptocurrency and Fund Performance, CAIA, Geneva, Switzerland |
2020 | Finance Seminar, NEOMA Business School, Paris, France |
Finance Seminar, Boston University, Boston, USA | |
2019 | Paris December Finance Meeting, Paris, France |
Finance Seminar, ESSEC Business School, Paris, France | |
Finance Seminar, Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Canada | |
CEMA Annual Meeting, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA | |
Asset and Risk Management, Amundi, Paris, France | |
Finance PhD Workshop, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France | |
Fintech Adoption and Economic Behavior, EM Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France | |
2018 | Finance Seminar, ESSEC Business Scholl, Paris, France |
Computational and Financial Econometrics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy | |
FinTech and Crypto-Finance, NEOMA Business School, Paris, France |
* presented by a coauthor